Adrien Zucchello
Location Pastor ICF Geneva
As a church, it is our passion for people to become more like Jesus Christ, live fearlessly and have a positive influence on their world.
We love Geneva and wish to enrich our city with a vibrant church. We invite you to become part of this dream!
Our team
Our focus
Equipping a new generation
ICF Geneva is a church for all. Every Sunday we meet God through music, encouraging messages and through our interactions with one another. Whether at ICF Kids or during our celebrations, ICF Geneva is a warm and welcoming space where everyone can grow in their faith and develop their relationship with God and the community.

Technological development is profoundly transforming our lives, reshaping the way we work, communicate, and entertain ourselves. While it promises efficiency and connection, it also leads to fatigue, isolation, and distraction. Our digital tools often prioritize passive consumption over creativity and human relationships.
In response to this rapid evolution, as a church, we want to put technology “in its rightful place” in our lives to foster human flourishing on emotional, spiritual, and relational levels.
From March 5 to April 20, you are invited to join us in a “digital Lent”, taking this time to encounter God. To learn how to engage in this journey and share your experience, join us next Sunday at 10:00 or 11:45 at Uptown Geneva.
Where to find us :
UPTOWN GENEVA – 02 rue de la Servette , 1202 Genève
Our Service time – Every Sundays | |
9:45 am | ICF Kids For children from 0 to 14 years More info here » |
10:00 am
CELEBRATION Service translated to English |
11:45 am |
CELEBRATION Service in French |
Retrouve ici nos messages, playlist louange, Kids Online, photos et ressources Connects
Nos ressources onlineBecome part of the family
No matter where you come from and regardless of your history: You are welcome!
Join the family
We wish that the church can become a family for you. Whether it’s a Team Group that makes a difference or a Connect Group that meets regularly during the week, we have a place for you! Become part of our Church Family and experience great relationships!
Next to our regular Sunday Celebrations we have more Events for you. Those are great opportunities to make new friends or to deepen relationships. We look forward to seeing you there!
Love in actionArtisans d’espoir et de solidarité pour notre communauté.

A travers “Love in Action”, nous voulons vivre une culture de générosité et de compassion au coeur de notre église, pour notre région ! Nous croyons fermement que chaque acte de soutien, aussi petit soit-il, peut transformer une vie. Ensemble, nous pouvons créer un impact durable en construisant des liens authentiques et en soutenant ceux qui en ont le plus besoin.
Tous les jeudi et vendredis (de 18h à 20h) de Décembre 2024 à Mars 2025 nous collaborons avec l’association “La virgule”, une association en faveur des sans abris. en distribuant des repas chauds, nous irons offrir notre aide, notre écoute et notre présence à ceux qui traversent des périodes difficiles.
Participe et deviens artisan d’espoir pour notre communauté en :
- Choisi un (ou plusieurs jours) sur la liste de participation ci-dessous. (Lorsque tu t’inscris, ajoutes ton nom suivi de ICF)
- Puis rejoins notre groupe WhatsApp de bénévoles Love in action en cliquant sur le 2eme lien ci-dessous.
Through Love in Action, we aim to nurture a culture of generosity and compassion at the heart of our church and throughout our region! We firmly believe that every act of support, no matter how small, can transform a life. Together, we can create a lasting impact by building authentic connections and supporting those who need it most.
Every Thursday and Friday (from 6 PM to 8 PM) over December 2024 to Mars 2025, we will collaborate with the association La Virgule, an organization dedicated to supporting the homeless. By distributing hot meals, we will offer our help, our listening ear, and our presence to those going through difficult times.
Be a part of this effort and become an artisan of hope for our community by:
- Selecting one (or more) days from the participation list below, (when you subscribe, tag your name + ICF)
- Joining our Love in Action volunteer WhatsApp group in clicking on the second link bellow.
Bible studyUne étude de la bible gratuite & passionnante à vivre ensemble.

Rejoins-nous pour étudier la bible grâce aux cours en ligne gratuits du Bibleproject. Chacun suit les cours individuellement et on se retrouve sur zoom pour les approfondir.
Join us to study the Bible through the free online courses from BibleProject. Everyone takes the courses individually, and we gather on Zoom to explore them further.
Sunday nightChercher Dieu ensemble
For this, Sunday Mars 23 (evening), we will sing, pray and listen to a message about the love of God.
If you have friends in search, invite them so that they let themselves be surprised by the presence of God. Can’t wait to live this moment with you.
Hope Sundaypray until something happens

Lors de cette journée, nous voulons répondre à l’invitation que Dieu nous donne de prier, guérir les malades, consoler les affligés, par les dons qui nous ont été offerts.
(Matthieu 10:8 Guérissez les malades, ressuscitez les morts, purifiez les lépreux, chassez les démons. Vous avez reçu gratuitement, donnez gratuitement.)
Alors si tu as envie de simplement remercier Dieu avec ta communauté, ou que tu es en recherche de liberté dans certains domaines de ta vie; si tu aimerais accompagner quelqu’un de ton connect (où un.e ami.e) qui aurait besoin de prière et d’encouragements, ne manque pas l’occasion.
Rendez-vous le 23 mars à 10h à Uptown, salle Concorde.
During that day, we want to answer to the invitation that God has given us to pray, heal the sick, console the depressive, through the gifts that he gave us.
( Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give)
So if you simply wanna thank God with your community, or that you are longing for freedom in certain area of your life; if you would like to bring someone from your connect group (or a friend) who would need prayers and encouragement, don’t miss that time.
We wait for you on Mars 23th, at 10 am – Uptown, Concorde room.
EasterCélébration de Pâques
Dimanche 20 Avril, nous vivrons tous ensemble une célébration riche en créativité tourné sur le message plein d’espoir qu’est Pâques! Stay tune pour plus d’infos
Sunday April 20th we will all experience together a celebration rich in creativity focused on the message full of hope that is Easter! stay tune for more infos
Get free weekendDécouvre la liberté en rencontrant Dieu.

Imagine une église où la liberté n’est pas qu’un mot, mais une réalité vivante, conçue par Dieu pour chacun de nous. Avec le weekend Get Free, nous t’invitons à vivre une expérience unique, un moment privilégié pour rencontrer Dieu et le laisser transformer ta vie.
Le 09-11 mai prépare-toi à emprunter ton propre chemin vers la liberté, entouré de messages inspirants, de rencontres en groupe riches en échanges et de moments de réflexion personnelle qui nourriront ton esprit et ton cœur.
Ne manque pas cette opportunité de te reconnecter à ta vocation et de vivre pleinement l’amour et la grâce divine. Pour plus d’informations et pour t’inscrire, clique sur le lien ci-dessous et rejoins-nous dans cette aventure vers la liberté !
Imagine a church where freedom isn’t just a word, but a living reality designed by God for each one of us. With the Get Free weekend, we invite you to experience something truly unique—a special moment to encounter God and let Him transform your life.
The 09-11th of May get ready to forge your own path toward freedom, surrounded by inspiring messages, enriching group interactions, and moments of personal reflection that will nourish your mind and heart.
Don’t miss this opportunity to reconnect with your calling and fully experience God’s love and grace. For more information and to sign up, click the link bellow and join us on this journey toward freedom!
Conférence ICF ZurichBetter Together - ICF Conference 2025

Nous voulons grandir ensemble dans la foi, nous inspirer mutuellement pour devenir davantage comme Jésus. Ensemble, nous voulons découvrir de nouveaux chemins de foi.
Des personnes de toutes les nations, les rois et les royaumes se réuniront pour adorer le Seigneur. Nous sommes faits pour vivre en communauté, les uns avec les autres et avec Lui.
Ne manque pas cette experience transformative, reserve tes tickets en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous.
We want to grow in faith together, to inspire each other to become more like Jesus. Together we want to discover new paths of faith. People from all the lands, the kings and the kingdoms will come together to worship the Lord. We are made for community with each other and with Him.
Don’t miss this transformative experience, clic on the link to get your tickets.
Welcome HomeNotre rendez-vous pour accueillir chaque individus.
Le Welcome Home est un temps à part de nos célébrations, dans le but de te partager ce qui bât sur notre coeur en tant qu’église et communauté basée à Genève. Que tu sois nouveau/nouvelle dans l’église, ou que tu aies des questions et que aimerait échanger autour de notre culture et le développement de notre église, viens vivre notre rendez-vous pour accueillir chaque individus.
The Welcome Home is a time apart from our celebrations, with the aim of sharing with you what beats on our heart as a church and community based in Geneva. Whether you are new to the church, or have questions and would like to discuss our culture and the development of our church, come experience this time to welcome anyone.

Nous croyons que l’un des moment clé de notre parcourt de foi est le baptême. Et en tant que communauté, nous tenons être témoin de ce choix merveilleux. Alors si comme nous, tu as envie d’entourer nos futurs baptisés et nos de célébrer ce temps avec eux, rejoins nous dimanche 15 juin à 14:30, à la plage de l’UEFA, à Nyon.
We believe that one of the key moments in our faith journey is baptism. And as a community, we want to witness this wonderful choice. So if, like us, you want to support our future baptisms and celebrate this time with them, join us on Sunday,June 15th at 2:30 PM, at the UEFA beach in Nyon.
XCamp 2025Un camps pour les 15 - 20 ans
Mais ou sera le prochain XCamp ?
Les infos arrivent bientôt… Stay tuned …
But where will be the next XCamp ?
News coming… Stay tuned …
Our Story
We are part of a movement

ICF Geneva is an ICF Church and church plant of the ICF Movement. ICF stands for „International Christian Fellowship“. We are a Christian church that is at the heartbeat of time, creative, innovative and sometimes a bit crazy! What started as a dream in Zurich in 1996 under the leadership of our Senior Pastors Leo & Susanna Bigger still inspires us just as much as it did back then.
Find out more about the history, vision and values of ICF
ICF Church